
Monday, 3 September 2012

How to make Outlook "out-of-office" work for you

Apologies to readers who might have been hoping for some posts over the past few weeks but I have been offline whilst holidaying in France and Spain.

One of my "to-do's" before I left was to respond to the "change your password or you'll be locked out" email from our IT manager. This was one thing that got missed at the end of the frantic Friday afternoon before leaving and subsequently I could not log on, even through webmail.

However, this made for a lovely and uninterrupted holiday and I am sure made it easier to forget about work as there was little point to even try and get online. As a result though I have come back to over 800 emails.

This got me wondering about what I might be writing in my out of office message next time I go away. I think it should go something like this...

"I am currently out-of-the-office on holiday until the 1st of September and will not have any access to email whilst away. If your message really is important then please send it again on the 2nd of September as I will be deleting every email I receive between now and my return to work. Sorry for any inconvenience."

This would certainly make the task I now face much easier!

PS: Normal posting will resume shortly.

1 comment:

  1. The cool thing is, you get less email than usual if you don't write any yourself. And I pretty much do already what you say: when I'm on vacation my out-of-office reply is a polite version of "I'm not reading your email; send it again!"


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